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Frequently Asked Questions

After choosing the correct plan for your business and full filling the term of that plan contract you will 100% own your website. You may stay with us how ever long you desire or as much as we would hate to see you go you may take your website and host it where ever you please.

The only plan that is locked for the term of the contract is the “Grow Your Practice Plan”. The “Essential Practice Plan” may be upgraded at any time but you will be committing to the new terms. Depending how long you have been on the “Essential Practice Plan” We can prorate the difference to justify the term of the new plan.

Yes, you may cancel but there will be a prorated amount to buy out the contract.  Granted this has never happened with one of our clients we have to look at each case, case by case to calculate the prorated amount.  We will be honest and fair with our calculation.

Yes we provide training videos and a help section for all our websites. We also provide email support and answer within the hour.

If we could guarantee that you will rank in the number position on Google we would be multi millionaires here at Web Therapia. Due to Google being a system we can not control as well as algorithym updates randomly many things can change. One thing we can guarantee is we provide the highest level of SEO for our clients for the investment. Anywhere else for the same package would be $1,000+$1,500/month easily. We provide transparent reports with comparisons from the previous month. Our number one goal is to always rank you on the first of Google for specific keywords and do it with in 2- 3 months. Depending the area and competition this can take longer.  

The mains things we need access to, to do your SEO is your Google Business Profile, Google Search Console, and Google Analytics. If you are freaking out cause you have no idea what these things are do not worry we are hear to hold your hand and guide you to set them up as well show you how to give us access. 

In most cases yes you do need to provide the main core content. This content would be the about us page, bio pages per clinician/employee, outline of core services and your company information like phone number, address, email, etc. We do provide a AI copy writing tool as well a copy writing template system to help you easily full fill the copy for your website.

If your website needs more than 10 core pages created it will be $50 per extra page created. Now you may be asking what is a core page? The easier question to answer is what is not a core page? What is not considered a core page are blog post. Every other page is considered a core page. Examples: Home, About, FAQ, Resources, Contact, Bios, Team Pages, Location Pages and Service Pages are typical core pages practices need.

Nerdalert Solutions is our parent company/brand and initially a lot of doctors and therapist would come to Nerdalert Solutions for their digital needs. Over the years Nerdalert Solutions saw a need and wanted to build a easy solution for doctors and therapist with a easy pricing and package layout. This is how Web Therapia was born! So if you see items with the wording of Nerdalert Solutions do not be alarmed in essence it is the same company, same values, same team and same quality of work.

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